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Youtube – Дизлайки (на видео, эконом)

$ 0.00029 For 1 dizlaik

Youtube – Дизлайки (на видео)

$ 0.00035 For 1 dizlaik

Youtube – Дизлайки (на комментарий)

$ 0.0053 For 1 dizlaik






Nowadays, in the world of videos and bloggers, competition is becoming more and more tough. The achievement and holding of a high position in the top is becoming more and more complicated. Therefore, the owners of the channels sometimes resort to dishonest methods, such as wrapping diesels. This method works opposite to likes, and its goal is an ill -owned effect on other bloggers.

The main task of diesels is the anti -pias of other YouTubers. With their help, it is easy to formulate public opinion:

  • worsen the perception of the video with new users;
  • reduce video viewing time;
  • Reduce positions in the top issuance.

Dizlaiki YouTube can worsen the perception of the video in new viewers, reduce viewing time and lower the position in the top. Nevertheless, some advanced bloggers use diesella to make discussions more alive and attract the attention of the audience. Also, channels on which only positive reviews prevail can cause doubts among users and algorithms.

Why might need a wrapping of dyslaiks on YouTube?

В системе оценок видео и комментариев пользователей на YouTube существует классическая схема «like — dislike» («нравится — не нравится»). Обе реакции естественны для пользователей: видео не может иметь только лайки, так как его продвижение в этом случае не будет гармоничным.

Let's allocate 5 main reasons to buy to buy Dislays YouTube:

  1. Harmonious promotion. For harmonious promotion, the optimal balance of views, likes, dislikes, reposts, comments and the addition of video to the “Favorites” is needed. It is necessary to calculate the necessary proportions, take into account each parameter and achieve ideal indicators of activity.
  2. Вывод видео в ТОП поиска. Присвоенные «антипатии» наряду с «лайками» и просмотрами увеличивают шансы появления видео в TOP результатов поиска на YouTube. Ваша задача — убедить алгоритмы в естественности и органичности реакций. Они не могут быть исключительно положительными — вам нужно добавить негатива.
  3. The fight against competitors. An effective way to reduce confidence in the video of a competitor and deprive him of a place in the upper lines of the search results. Ideal in combination with negative ...
  4. Creation of contradictions. Adding “do not like” to the video can create a feeling of dispute and debate, which can attract more spectators to the video. This can lead to an increase in involvement and interaction, which will contribute to the further promotion of the video.
  5. Message transmission. Finally, “do not like” can be used as a form of feedback or criticism, allowing the Creator to understand how his audience perceives the content he created. It can also be used to send a message to other viewers about the content, making it clear that not everyone agrees with it.

Накрутка дизлайков на YouTube – один из элементов органичного продвижения видео. При корректном расчете пропорций и при сочетании с увеличением прочих показателей пользовательской активности ролик будет стремительно набирать популярность и со временем сможет занять верхние строчки в поисковой выдаче.