Реальные заявки в друзья в ВКонтакте на личную страницу.
Link format : https://vk.com/durov https://vk.com/id12689544
- Fast start
- Speed: up to 1000 per day
- Warranty: 40 days
- High quality (dogs up to 5%)
- live subscribers from applications (not a script and not a virus)
- the page should be opened to everyone (publicly available in the privacy settings).
A living audience in groups and publics, subscribers look at posts, show activity, ideal for a quick set of subscribers, also rises in the group and the community rises in the top.
Topics of porn/bets/earnings/drugs/wrapping - prohibited. Orders will be canceled.
Самый быстрый способ раскрутить аккаунт Вконтакте – это купить друзей ВК. Всего за один вечер страница повысится в статусе и поисковой выдаче, приобретёт престижный внешний вид и обзаведётся хотя бы парой сотен лайков на аватарки.
The promotion of friends VK gives an instant result. If no one knew about your page yesterday, then real people will begin to come to the account a couple of days after the purchase of virtual friends. A popular page can be used to promote products or services, blog, communication or just self -promotion. Unlike public and VK groups, personal pages for promoting subscribers almost never banned. Only pages with a sharp increase in applications from unreliable sources are at risk.
ВКонтакте – Друзья (реальные)
Rating 5.00 out of 5 based on a 2 -user
(2 customer review)$ 0.0058 For 1 subscriber
Накрутка друзей Вконтакте
Reviews (2)
2 отзыва на ВКонтакте – Друзья (реальные)
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Bezpalenko Alevtin –
VSOO is very plenty of everything!
Nestor Wood –
Very convenient and useful site! Good and understandable design, which distinguishes it from other sites. Very advanced in social networks, orders are performed quickly and most importantly is not expensive)