Twitch – это специализированный сервис для проведения видео стримов для геймеров. Прямые трансляции на Твиче являются инновационным и востребованным способом взаимодействия с аудиторией. Появившись в конце 2010 года, они стали неотъемлемой частью медиаландшафта, постепенно вытесняя стандартные видео. Раскрутка своей трансляции Твич стала одним из основных направлений в политике продвижения для многих каналов.
Streaming is one of the most effective forms of content promotion, which allows you to achieve instant results.
Promotion with streams has several advantages:
- quick payback;
- instant receipt of spectators;
- High performance.
This means that you can earn more money without spending a lot of time on advertising and stream announcements, and the automatic system will do everything for you. It also guarantees that you will receive exactly the number of views that you ordered, while other methods can give a distorted result, and your money can be wasted.
Why is the twig of the spectators needed
Twich audience is the number of people who watch your living video at one point in time. They can be both registered users of Twich and anonymous spectators. You need Twich audience in order to increase the popularity of your channel, attract more subscribers and donators, as well as get the opportunity to become a partner or affiliated Twich Streamer.
The scorching of the viewers of Twich is a way to artificially increase the number of spectators on your stream using special services or bots. Twitching spectators can be useful in order for:
- Rise higher in the rating of the category or game that you strive and become more noticeable for potential spectators
- Create the impression of activity and interest in your content, which can motivate other spectators to join the chat or subscribe to the channel
- Accelerate the achievement of the requirements for partnership or affiliation with Twich
However, the scorching of the audience Twich also has its own risks and disadvantages. Therefore, before ordering the embroidery of the viewers of Twich, you should think well all the pros and cons, as well as choose reliable and safe services for this.