Questions and answers

The order is executed on average from several minutes to several hours or days, the start time depends on the service and the volume that you ordered. In individual cases, the start of the execution of the order can be up to two days. We try to fulfill each order after payment as quickly as possible, providing the highest quality services.

As a rule, the order is in line from several minutes to an hour, depending on the selected type of service and the volume of the order. Sometimes, the queue can reach several hours or two days, depending on various factors.

True, when canceling the order, its cost will recover on the balance. If the order was canceled in part, part of the funds for the unfulfilled balance will be returned to your SMM Form account balance.

We have our own source of subscribers and users to complete the assignment and perform various paid actions, as well as sources from advertising networks, a network of communities with active users of social networks.

The deadlines for the execution of orders for each service are individual, and can vary up to several months, depending on the selected volume. On average, orders are executed from 5 minutes to 48 hours, depending on the volume of the order and the selected service. Also in rare cases, delays are possible up to 120 hours.

Social networks

The reasons why the order was not launched into operation can automatically be the following:

  1. The link is incorrectly indicated;
  2. The service you ordered requires additional manual moderation;
  3. The specified link does not correspond to the service you have chosen;
  4. Your video, groups, profile is hidden by privacy settings or has restrictions.

YouTube обновляет счетчик каждые 12 часов. Для засчитывания просмотров мы рекомендуем подождать до 24 часов до полного обновления вашего счетчика. Если в течении 48 часов количество Ваших просмотров не обновилось, просьба написать нам в тех. поддержку!

Our views are generated from the traffic of real people from social networks. We do not use programs to wrap your video. To improve quality, you can add an additional criterion when ordering views from the service page.

When canceling the order, the funds are automatically returned to the account of the account. There may be several reasons for the cancellation of the order:

  • The specified link does not correspond to the selected service
  • The selected service does not comply with the specified link
  • In the link - spaces, or additional (letters/numbers/symbols) are indicated
  • Page/account-does not pass through the stoplines according to the rules
  • If the order by VK: the public/group should have from 5 records-the period of publication of the 1st record should be more than 5 days
  • Страница/аккаунт — закрыты, например аккаунт Instagram или группа VK должны быть открыты для добавления участников или подписчиков.

Try to independently identify the reason for the cancellation of the order, arrange it and re -register the order by paying it from the balance on the site. If you were not able to identify the reason for the cancellation of the order, and with a repeated renewal of the order, it was canceled again. In this case, apply for advice to our support service.

The wrapping of complaints is a mass sending of complaints about the specified profile or content. Bots are crossing the specified link and perform previously programmed actions. We cannot provide any evidence of the delivery of this service. This is the only type of services on the site that cannot be tracked by the customer.

Also, wrapping complaints in most cases (90%) gives nothing!
On profiles (posts, videos, etc.) politicians and other celebrities complain every day tens of thousands of times. Moreover, real people. And nothing happens. This must be understood, if there are no violations - nothing will happen! At least make a million complaints ... And sometimes one is enough. Therefore, if you ordered a few complaints once and nothing happened - do not waste money in vain, ordering again to the same link ...

How this happens from the inside of the setograms and other services.
You send either a complaint about content or buy. The moderator sees the complaint, goes to the profile (post, video, etc.) , evaluates. If there are no violations, it puts a plug. After that, send nothing as you like, the specialist has already looked at the content after the first complaint. If this is a post that can be edited (it is mainly possible to edit the first 24 hours after publication) then the moderator puts a temporary plug, and then constant.

In short, if your competitor has posted a post that violates the rules of a certain social network and the neuron missed the post, you can order complaints - it will be viewed by the descendant of the social network and will be able to delete it. But if your competitor posted “socks” for sale cheaper than yours - there is no point in ordering complaints! It will not help!

What to do?

Somehow “destroy” the channel (profile, post, etc.) is impossible if there are no violations! But it is possible as it is called - "submachine." For this, the cheapest subscribers to the profile of a competitor are ordered.
Imagine you have an online store and 2000 subscribers who communicate, like, commented. The statistics are stable, everything is in order. And suddenly 10,000 Arabs and Hindus are signed to you. Who signed quickly and do nothing. Not showing any activity. Completely breeding profile statistics. And then I also begin to fall off.
What's happening? Statistics collapse, the channel in the search results falls into the bottom. You make a profile closed, begin to remove a week in manual bots profiles, simultaneously not making out where you are deleting the real subscribers. The same thing with cheap views on YouTube video. Which disappears over time, lowering the video in the search results.